Networking 101: Tips for Building Career Connections [Premium Webinar]

Get expert advice for professional networking in this on-demand webinar, including how to create an elevator pitch...


Job seeker writing on notepad titled "Career"

Now that we've covered the introduction, let's discuss how to write the work experience section of a resume – where...


How Can I Age-Proof My Job Search

Overcoming age bias comes down to knowing how to age-proof your job search. iHire Career Advisor Lori Cole shares...


Professionally dressed job seeker stands proudly with her shadow in the background wearing a superhero cape.

Personal branding is crucial during any job hunt. Read these 5 personal branding tips for job seekers to understand...


job seeker in a suit holding a business card with twitter bird and hashtag

Learn how to use Twitter in your job search and take the next step in your career with these social media tips and...


Woman shaking hands with interviewer

A lot of job seekers fall into the same predicament, you have written your resume, posted it to every job board...


Man cringing at his computer after making mistake

These extra forms are just as critical as your resume and cover letter! Carefully avoiding the mistakes below may...


Candidates in professional attire waiting to interview

First impressions are critical when you’re searching for a new job, and your job interview attire can impact how...


ihire business spotlight encompasscare

What makes EncompassCare an employee-centered organization? Read our latest Business Spotlight post to find out.


woman thinking about a career change

Changing careers doesn’t have to be scary. Follow these steps to prepare for your career change and increase your...


What Should I Put for Desired Salary on Job Applications

It's tough to know the best way to answer "What are your salary expectations?" on a job application to increase your...


Should Resumes Use Bullet Points or Paragraphs

How many bullets should be on a resume? Should your resume have paragraphs or bullet points? Get the answers from...


Job seeker looking at clock and thinking about what they can get done in an hour

It can be difficult to stay motivated when looking for work. Here are seven quick tasks that can be done in less...


Laptop, phone, coffee cup, and calendar sitting on a desk

There’s a lot to keep track of when looking for a new job, and it can get overwhelming without the right job search...


Job seeker editing her CV on her laptop

A lot of job seekers find themselves confused about the difference between a resume and a curriculum vitae (CV). The...


premium webinar

Networking can be awkward, but these conversation prompts will help you put your mind and nerves at ease at your...


ask a resume writer how do i make my resume more concise

Making your resume shorter without leaving out important info can be tough. Get expert advice on how to make your...


mature job seeker applying to jobs online

What are the signs of age discrimination in a job search? Here are 7 things to look out for if you suspect hiring bias.


ihire ask a resume writer should i have ai write my resume

Can AI write a resume for you? Should you use AI for resume writing, or is it too risky? Find out in this Ask a...


7 Salary Negotiation Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs [Premium Webinar]

Getting salary negotiation right is tough. To empower yourself to earn what you’re worth and avoid common salary...


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